responsible AI virtual event with Marvin

Responsible AI Is a UX Problem

UX practitioners have a core role to play in developing ethical AI. Find out how to get your seat at the table.

1 min read

Everyone is talking about responsible AI.

But who’s driving the decisions your company is making about it? Is your UX team involved?

They should be.

At its core, AI is not a technical problem; it’s a people problem.

And ethical AI can’t be done without UX designers because you need the people experts solving the people problems.

Key Takeaways about AI for UX Practitioners

Watch a fascinating & informative conversation with Dr. Mihaela Vorvoreanu, one of the industry’s top experts on AI ethics & user research. Most recently, she led a team in publishing the Responsible AI Maturity Model, a comprehensive framework to help organizations identify their current and desired levels of RAI maturity.

She’s excited to share practical advice around building and using AI, such as:

  • Why UX practitioners play a most critical role in your business’s AI strategy 
  • How to use Microsoft’s Responsible AI Maturity Model as a high-level map for your RAI journey
  • A breakdown of the relevant RAI maturity dimensions for UX
  • The importance of establishing a common language for AI across your company
  • The tools you can start using today to drive cross-team collaboration beyond your UX designers

Responsible AI Is (Also) A UX Problem: A Virtual Event

Fill out this form to learn how you can drive more responsible AI in your company.

Sneak Peek of Responsible AI Conversation

The whole session was incredible, but here are favorite moments from the conversation with one of the top experts on AI ethics & user research.

About Our Speaker

Mihaela (Mickey) Vorvoreanu, PhD leads UX research and responsible AI education for Aether, Microsoft’s advisory group on AI ethics and effects in engineering and research. 

Before joining Microsoft, Mickey had an accomplished career in academia, most recently at Purdue University, where she led the graduate and undergraduate UX programs.

Connect with Mickey on LinkedIn.

Is Qualitative Research the Key to Better AI?

We’ve talked to multiple experts about ethics in AI, and they all point to one critical answer for making AI more human-centric:

Qualitative Research.

Here are some additional resources to help you on your path to more responsible AI:

Cari Murray is director of marketing & partnerships for HeyMarvin, a UX research repository that makes it super simple to talk to your customers and design products they love. She's been telling powerful brand stories for 20 years.

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